Monday 19 September 2011

Officially Lost (First Time For Everything)

Moi everybody, so as this title suggests this weekend I was officailly lost for the first time. I was visiting a friend in a part of Kuopio called Savolainiemi. I took a bus there and was planning on taking a bus back as well. I began walking back to the bus station and after an hour of walking I came to a highway and realised that I took a wrong turn. I decided it would be easier to walk home than to turn around and try the bus stop trick again so I kept walking. After an hour and twenty minutes of more walking I decided I was completly lost. I called my host mother and she came to pick me up bacause I was very near a store that she knew where it was. When she picked me up we drove for about twenty seconds and I saw a big sign that said "Sarkiniemie that way" (I live in Sarkiniemie.) I stopped less than fifteen minutes away from my home. I was so mad 2 hours and 20 minutes of walking and I stopped less than 15 minutes away. Arrrrgggg.

Well as I told myself several times during that two hours, I was in a strange part of the strange part of a strange city of a strange country of a strange country, so I'm allowed to get lost once or twice. So That was my excitement for the week. Also this week I met my second host family, they were very nice. They have a son who is my age. He told me he's teach me play a bit of guitar and violin and possibly a finnish instrument that I was looking to learn to play during my exchange. So that will be nice. I am meeting my third host family sometime within the next few weeks.

Well that's my update for now I'll write again with some pictures soon, I started taking pictures today but it got dark to quickly to get enough so they will be coming soon. Well I'll talk to you all soon from accros the finnish line.


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