Sunday 1 January 2012

out of the holidays, into the hollow-day

Hey everyone how is it going on this the first day of 2012. (only twelve months and twenty days until the end of the world :P ) So I hope santa was good to all you Canadians and Finns and Rotarians. Well I had a good holiday. Christmas was spent with the family new years was spent with friends and in between was spent as a mixture of friends and helping babysit my three year old cousin with down syndrome. It was a fun finnish learning experience.

While I am on the topic of Finnish learning I should probably bring up a deal that myself and the french student made that we are no going to only speak Finnish (as much as possible) from now on. for me this started on the car ride home last night/ this morning at 1:30 and by 2:00 I was so frustrated I just went to bed, to anyone who thinks learning languages is easy let me tell you this. Some languages are (i.e. english, spanish, italian, even french) But Finnish Is Not By Any Means An Easy Language To Learn Or Speak.

Well as my title suggests school starts again tomorrow. So now everything is going to be ask back to normal as an exchange ever is. Sorry for the short blog, Stay frosty, keep your stick on the ice and I'll post again next week from across the finnish line.



  1. Umm, it's actually 11 months and twenty days until the end of the world, if it were 12, the world would end on January 21, 2013. Sorry to tell you that you have one month less to live, but you have to be prepared....

  2. Good for you! Try not to kill yourself! :]

  3. Where in Finland are you staying? I believe, that Finnish is difficult language, even I have difficulties speaking it and I am finnish! :D
