Sunday 16 October 2011


Hey everybody, it's been a little while I know, but it's been a busy couple of weeks. First off I think I should explain the title. Well on sunday of last week I went out hunting with some finnish people. We got a bull, it was big by finnish standars but it was actually pretty small by my (Canadian) standards. We sat in tree stands for about 8 hours before the closest guy to me shot the bull. That sounds normal I know but, when it comes to hunting fins are cheaters. They use dogs. They send the dog(s) in at the begining of the day and the dog chases the moose all day. Normally it only takes a couple hours, but the guy who had the first shot missed.

Second thing is that I just spent the weekend at my second host family's house while my current one was out of town. It was really fun we watched the new "Nightmare on Elm Street," my review 7 words. Good not great, the original was better. I had a lot of fun on the weekend and I think I'm going to enjoy  living there, when the time comes however right now I'm happy here. Also my second host mother doesn't speak english and my brother isn't the best at it so I'm going to learn finnish really quickly there. :)

Last thing is by far my favourite. To everyone in Elliot who laughed at me because I started school about a month before you guys did take this, next week is fall holiday, like the march break, but in the fall. Here we have a fall holiday, a winter holiday and March break. hahaha mina voitan, I win. Now I've got to go to play bayblades with my host brother, ya I didn't think they still existed either. I'll update soon, you know because I'll have time to because I have the week off school :P. Talk to you later from across the finnish line


1 comment:

  1. Robert I'm so happy to hear that everything is going well in Finland! And I'm also proud about that when I read this I don't need to think about what I'm reading at all and I don't need to translate it in my head so I think I had learned something !
